Describe the major physiological and psychological componentsbelieved to be involved in “gating” and their interactions.

GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY ASSIGNMENT GATE CONTROL THEORY OF PAIN 1. Briefly outline the Gate-Control Theory of pain. Describe the major physiological and psychological componentsbelieved to be involved in “gating” and their interactions. Provide two examples of pain suppression that can be explained by the Gate-Control Theory (be sure to describe why you think “gating” is responsible for the suppression of pain in your examples. 2. Sleep dysfunction is increasingly being viewed as a major contributor to Allostatic Load and to psychological/physiological vulnerability to stress. What are the major measures of sleep behavior used inbehavioral medicine? Describe these measures’ connection to increased stress reactivity/vulnerability focusingon 2 to 3 of these sleep parameters with the strongest associations. Justify your choice of the parameters selected. Each question need answer no more than 350 words. Please answer specifically and COMPLETELY.

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