view the day the earth stood still 1951 by robert wise

View The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) by Robert Wise.


1. What does the government do when the space ship arrives?

2. What is the spaceman like?What happens and why?

3. Who helps the spaceman and why?

4. What does he do as a show of power and what do you think of it?

5. What is the film saying?

Include your response.

Reflective Response on each Film

1) Write a 200-500 word essay in formal academic format.

2) Final copy will be submitted with the questions.

3) Essay can be one paragraph.

4) Include film title in italics, director, and release year.

5) Do not do any research. Ideas should come from you and the film. Think about it.

6) It is NOT a summary of the film.

7) May use first person “I” point of view.

8) Content includes a thoughtful, reflective response to the film.

a. What did you think of the film?

b. How did it make you feel?

c. Which course key terms and ideas are represented?

d. How do you see yourself in the film?


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environmental issues, assignment help | Blackboard Masters

Hello! I am reaching out to you because you did a great job on my last position paper in a very short amount of time. I hope you can help again.
I have attached “how to write a position paper”, environmental issues (please pick one from agriculture), and the rubric.
Briefly analyze and succinctly discuss different perspectives or positions of an environmental issue.
Download and read the instructions for writing a position paper and the list of potential topics. You are not limited to only the listed topics.
Download and review the position paper rubrics.
Your paper should meet the following criteria:

Three pages in length
Reference and cite at least two sources (one of which must be less than two months old)
Follow APA formatting


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The post environmental issues, assignment help | Blackboard Masters first appeared on Nursing Essays Writers.

HEALTH HISTORY – paper (Rheumatoid Arthritis)


Before any nursing plan of care or intervention can be implemented or evaluated, the nurse assesses the individual through the collection of both subjective and objective data. The data collected are used to determine areas of need or problems to be addressed by the nursing care plan. This assignment will focus on collecting subjective assessment data, synthesizing the data, and on identifying health/wellness priorities based on the findings. The purpose of the assignment is two-fold:

The post HEALTH HISTORY – paper (Rheumatoid Arthritis) first appeared on Submit Your Essays.

HEALTH HISTORY – paper (Rheumatoid Arthritis) was first posted on November 17, 2020 at 5:58 pm.
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The post HEALTH HISTORY – paper (Rheumatoid Arthritis) first appeared on Nursing Essays Writers.

psycology class

I uploded two paper 1- the first paper is the article

2- the second paper is what should do on paper





A.      Papers should be TWO typed single-spaced pages, 12 point New Times Roman font, and have normal margins and spacing.


B.      You must have good writing. Make sure you proof read your work, and have others proof read your work. Use correct spelling, correct grammar, correct punctuation, and make sure your writing makes sense.




c.     APA format: You must use an in-text citation and attach a references page using APA format. See the Owl at Purdue website:




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The post psycology class first appeared on Nursing Essays Writers.