The product is Rolex

An explanation of where the product is sold, and how it is marketed. Is it a national brand, an international brand? You mustinclude numerical evidence of the recent sales of the product. Has the product been successful? Please provide clear evidence of the success/failure of the product. For example, howmany years has the product existed, […]

The post The product is Rolex first appeared on home work handlers.

Feminist frameworks

Out of the 5 feminist frameworks presented in TOP HAT, Chapter 9 (Liberal, Socialist, Radical, Multi-Racial, and Postmodern), which makes the most sense to you? Explain the main ideas of the framework, and explain why you support it.Wade and Ferree (Chapter 13) present 3 models of social change. Do you think the equal access, equal […]

The post Feminist frameworks first appeared on home work handlers.

Analysis : Rational Ignorance

This week’s discussion is about a topic called rational ignorance. It is a fun topic to talk about, especially in today’s political landscape. This is a very controversial topic, so keep your Econ “thinking caps” on and keep it in the academic setting. Remember that the intent of understanding Rational Ignorance is to help explain, […]

The post Analysis : Rational Ignorance first appeared on home work handlers.

Inductive risk and values

When discussing the studies behind this statistic, Leonhardt focused on data outof Singapore. Leonhardt criticized the C.D.C. statistic as “almost certainlymisleading.”Write a roughly 2-page paper explaining how this case of the C.D.C. statisticand the Singapore data behind it illustrates Heather Douglas’s positionabout inductive risk and the role of values in science, and taking a stand […]

The post Inductive risk and values first appeared on home work handlers.