in 200 300 words discuss the epicuruss argument

In 200-300words discuss the Epicurus’s arguments against the existence of God, and give your own response to Epicurus’s arguments.Make sure that you respond to another student’s post In 100 words. I have written another student post below.You can read that and respond.

Students post

Epicurus’s argument is that if there is evil in the world and there is a all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good god. He would argue that if God knows about evil and has the power to stop it but doesn’t then he isn’t a good God. As well if God has the power and doesn’t stop evil then maybe God isn’t all-powerful. They would also say that maybe God isn’t knowledgeable to know about the evil happening. These are things that would be argued against God. But just because evil is happening doesn’t mean that God doesn’t exist. A lot of the evil committed is moral evil. This is evil that is committed by humans on purpose. God gives us free will, which means we can do whatever we want. Now a lot of people have taken that and have committed evil acts. Evil exist so we can understand what good is. Just like how you wouldn’t know what pleasure is with out pain and you wouldn’t know what warm felt like without being cold first or vice versa. Now maybe God didn’t create us all oft he way and left a small flaw in every single one of us, and he puts us in our imperfect world to toughen us up. This Theodicy is called the soul making theodicy thought of by John Hick.


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introduction to civilization essay

400 word essay. No plagiarism please.


What gave some countries an early lead in industrialization?


Introduction to Civilization

Connections: A world history, volume 2

3rd edition, 2016


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Slavery and Society What are the differences in the ways slaves were treated in , among the Nupe,…

Slavery and SocietyWhat are the differences in the ways slaves were treated in , among the Nupe, and in the United States? How would the United States be different today if we had engaged in the kind of used by the Nupe, or the Greeks?
•Each Answer should at least one paragraph in length (5 sentence minimum).
•Each answer should directly address the question.
•Each answer is expected to be written with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
•Each answer will also be graded on clarity of writting, organization, and style.
Please write the page number for each paragraph from the text book.



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Slavery and society

            How slaves were treated in ancient Greece

            Slaves played an important role in ancient Greece civilization. During this period, slaves were found everywhere. They worked in almost every sector in the Greek society. For instance, they worked in factories, ship crew members, domestic workers and mines. In ancient Greek society, there were many slaves. At the same time, these slaves were treated……………….


314 Words

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week 2 assignment ss

Grit and Growth

This week, you viewed two video lectures (the “source material”). The first video was Dr. Angela Duckworth explaining her concept of “grit” and the second video was Dr. Carol Dweck explaining her concept of “growth mindset”.

Your assignment is to:

Summarize the Duckworth “Grit” video

Summarize the Dweck “Growth” video

Write a comparison in your own words of how these concepts relate to each other.

Please write a paragraph for each bullet above and use complete sentences. The total length of this assignment is 750 words (double-spaced, using 12 pt. Times New Roman). Use Microsoft Word to prepare your assignment. You will attach the Word document to the assignment dropbox (do not type directly into the dropbox).

Refer to the Pocket Keys for Writers (chapter 8b) to refresh your memory on how to summarize material (taking notes over the source material); also review this week’s written lecture for tips on summarizing videos.

Remember to include the following information at the top of your paper:

Your First and Last Name

GID Number


Today’s Date


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