PRG/420: Java Programming – LAB: Phone Number Breakdown

LAB: Phone number breakdown


Given a long integer representing a 10-digit phone number, output the area code, prefix, and line number using the format (800) 555-1212.

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Ex: If the input is: 8005551212

the output is:  (800) 555-1212


Hint: Use % to get the desired rightmost digits. Ex: The rightmost 2 digits of 572 is gotten by 572 % 100, which is 72.

Hint: Use / to shift right by the desired amount. Ex: Shifting 572 right by 2 digits is done by 572 / 100, which yields 5. (Recall integer division discards the fraction).

For simplicity, assume any part starts with a non-zero digit. So 0119998888 is not allowed.