Film Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts or theories discussed in class to the interpersonal communication demonstrated by actions and communication of characters in a movie. This analysis paper will be:


· Select a film that you have access to and that intrigues, inspires, or motives you. I have provided a list of potential films or you may propose a film for approval. Film List Film selection is due on 10/30.

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As you view the movie, you will need to take notes and be considering THREE CONCEPTS from the movie that exemplify concepts that we are learning about in class. You need to have read your textbook (Chapters 1-5) and be thinking about some of the ideas on those chapters and how they apply to the movie you chose.


The purpose of the movie analysis theory paper is to:


· Demonstrate your understanding of interpersonal communication theory and concepts

· Apply interpersonal communication theory and concepts to scenes and characters in the movie

· Apply these same interpersonal communication theory and concepts to your own relationships and experiences

Plan on selecting three (3) general or specific theories, concepts, or key words from the first five chapters in our textbook. Consider the following concepts from chapters 1-5.


1. Explore how a character or characters fulfill communication goals.

· Consider the 3 different models of communication (linear, interactive, transactional) and/or the perceptual process.

· You may identify strategies for practicing responsible perception.

2. Explore how a character or characters display interpersonal communication competence.

· You may identify tools for improving competence.

3. Explore the ways that gender, family, and culture influence our sense of self and communication.

· Consider the influence of culture, gender, and personality in shaping perception and culture influence emotion.

4. Explore how a character or characters present and/or maintain self-image when interacting with others.

5. Explore how a character or characters sense of self-esteem is formed through communication.

6. Explore a character or characters consideration related to self-disclosure.

7. Explore how a scene or characters depict the difference between emotions, feelings, and moods.

· You may identify tools for skillfully managing and expressing emotion.

8.Explore how characters with emotional challenges such as communicating empathy, fading romantic passion, managing anger, and/or suffering grief.

9.Explore how the movie depicts culture.

· Discuss the impact of ingroups, outgroups, and prejudice on communication.

· Explore the ways in which cultural differences influence communication.

Be sure to boldface the use of the concept that you’re using, along with an in-text citation of the text with page number. Be sure to introduce and describe how the concept is being used rather than “dumping” the information and expecting the reader to infer your intended use. For example:


Although the two main characters were in love with one another, their nonverbal communication rarely indicated support for this supposition. Indeed, rather than the expected love-intimacy touch (McCornack, 2015, p. 164) conveying deep emotional feelings, the couple seemed to use only functional-professional touch (McCornack, 2015, p. 164), like shaking hands or guiding them down stairs, which seemed quite awkward for a romantic couple. (This example is 63 words.)


Thus, your paper should be in the following form, using APA standards and formatting:


Title Page

Synopsis (150-250 words, paraphrased in your own words. I regularly review Wikipedia, so don’t plagiarize!)

Concept 1 – be sure to include (at least 125 words):

Boldfaced concepts with –in-text citations and page numbers

Application of those concepts to the book

Specific example(s) from the movie including behavior descriptions and/or dialogue to support the concept.

Concept 2 – be sure to include (at least 125 words):

Boldfaced concepts with –in-text citations and page numbers

Application of those concepts to the book

Specific example(s) from the movie including behavior descriptions and/or dialogue to support the concept.

Concept 3 – be sure to include (at least 125 words:

Boldfaced concepts with –in-text citations and page numbers

Application of those concepts to the book

Specific example(s) from the movie including behavior descriptions and/or dialogue to support the concept.

Do not simply recount what happens in the movie. Honestly, I don’t care about the movie. I care about how you’re applying the concepts to the relationships in the movie and to your own relationships. If you’re just describing what happens in the movie without making conceptual connections with examples and illustrations, you’re not “doing it right.” Your paper should be more concerned with how the concept applies to specific examples or scenes within the movie rather than the story of the movie.


This paper is due November 8th on Canvas as an attached file.